backends | ||
brokers/etcd | ||
examples | ||
locks/etcd | ||
task | ||
.gitignore | ||
README.md | ||
go.mod | ||
go.sum |
This project is intended to provide multi broker, lock, backend for the RichardKnop/machinery library. About Machinery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. This plugins library offers additional functionalities and tools to help you better utilize and customize Machinery.
This library provides the following features:
: add etcd / mysqlLocks
: add etcd / mysqlBackends
: add etcd / mysql
you can combine whatever you want
Quick Start
Install the library:
go get git.ifooth.com/common/machinery-plugins@latest
Import the library in your code and use it to create tasks:
import (
redisbackend "github.com/RichardKnop/machinery/v2/backends/redis"
eagerlock "github.com/RichardKnop/machinery/v2/locks/eager"
etcdbroker "git.ifooth.com/common/machinery-plugins/brokers/etcd"
func main() {
// Create server instance
// broker := redisbroker.NewGR(cnf, []string{"localhost:6379"}, 1)
broker, err := etcdbroker.New(cnf, "")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
lock := eagerlock.New()
backend := redisbackend.NewGR(cnf, []string{"localhost:6379"}, 3)
server := machinery.NewServer(cnf, broker, backend, lock)
We welcome contributions in any form! If you have any issues, suggestions, or wish to add new features, let us know by creating an issue or pull request.
machinery-plugins is based on the Apache 2.0 protocol. Please refer to LICENSE for details.
push -> pending_tasks/{queue}/{task_uuid} handle -> 获取keys-only, 判断是否有consumer,list/watch(可用key列表) -> 原子操作 -> handler -> delete(每次全量key N,可以对吧lock)
delay -> delay_tasks/r{xx}-taskuuid handlr -> 按key排序,获取最新的一个(可以大于当前时间) -> 原子put/delete操作 -> done (性能没有问题, 多个服务会有冲突,最多N-1,可以对比Lock)